The First Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection!
While Jesus' body was entombed he descended into the Underworld in order to free and bring to heaven all the righteous that died before Him. Jesus is victorious over death, Robed in Heavenly white, He is surrounded by a mandorla of star-studded light, representing the Glory of God. 
Christ is shown dramatically pulling Adam, the first man, and Eve from the tomb. 
Jesus does the work, that is why He is pulling Adam from the tomb by the wrist, and not the hand. Surrounding him are Holy Men and Women of the Old testament and who died before. St. Joseph is also there almost saying to the others "That's my boy! :)" Haha. John the Baptist and King David are present. On the other side we have little Abel next to Eve,  Judith with her sword, Esther in royal purple and Ruth. I'd like to include even more but I'll need a much bigger piece of paper or canvas. :P
This Icon is also called the "Harrowing of Hades"
“Harrow” comes from the Old English word used to describe the ploughing of a field with a cultivator which is dragged roughly over the ground, churning it up. In the icon, Christ is shown with the instrument of His death plunged deep into Hades. Beneath Christ’s feet – which still carry the marks of His crucifixion – lay the gates of Hades, smashed wide open in the shape of the Cross. Christ has trampled death by death. Within the dark underworld are scattered broken chains and locks; Hades is not destroyed – it is still there – but its power to bind people is gone. There are no chains, no locked doors. Christ is always there to lift us from the darkness of this world. Fiat 
#Easter, #Resurrection, #Jesus, #Catholic, #Christian, #Rosary, #Glorious, #Freedom, #Salvation, #Adam, #Eve, #Abel, #Joseph, #David, #John, #Ruth, #Judith, #Esther, #Sketch, #DigitalArt, #Holy, #Hades, #Underworld, #Abraham's Bosom, #Death, #Life, #Victory,

The Resurrection

The Resurrection

The First Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection! While Jesus' body was entombed he descended into the Underworld in order to free and bring to heav Read More
